Amidst the enchanting embrace of Salzburg, where Mozart once composed his seminal masterpieces, Rosewood Schloss Fuschl stands as testament to Austria’s illustrious heritage. Surrounded by majestic mountains, this fairytale castle graces the banks of Lake Fuschl, a centuries-old retreat historically frequented by royalty and cultural luminaries as a countryside destination. Now meticulously reimagined for a new generation, the next chapter in Schloss Fuschl’s living history awaits.
Unwind at Rosewood Schloss Fuschl with a revitalizing stay in the serene beauty of the Austrian Alps.
Inspire a visit to this spectacular destination with a Rosewood Gift Card, inviting loved ones to explore the storied culture of Schloss Fuschl, enjoy dynamic culinary experiences, and align with the natural beauty of the region.
Relationship Hospitality. It’s in the genes. Some just have it; a natural desire to deliver meaningful and heartfelt experiences. It’s a calling. At Rosewood Hotel Group we work instinctively and from the heart, to master and elevate our craft. Together, we push the boundaries to impart magic into every day. We care for people, and make it our purpose to build long-lasting, genuine relationships. Here, we do what we were born to do. Here, we answer The Calling.